Friday, December 31, 2010
As you may have noticed I left out the Empathy Portfolio. I saved this section for last because I spent a lot of time taking the online tests from the book and also from other online sites to determine where I stand. In my Systemizing and Empathy Quotient it was interesting to see that I scored exactly the same on the books sites as on the other online sites. In the end the tests showed my brain type was Balanced. (Some people would question that) My Empathy side was much stronger than the Systemizing though.
I picked 12 out of 20 correct expressions in the “Spot the Fake Smile” test. I scored a 24 in “The Mind is the Eye” test. That score was a typical score for the test.
When I was in my 30's I had tested out to be Integrated-right in the left/right dominant test. I took 3 online tests which 2 of them came up totally integrated and one was more Right Dominate. I then went to a site from Scholastic ( and read about teaching styles and being right and left dominant. The following was taken from the site.
“Those who are middle-brain dominant tend to be more flexible than either the left- or the right-brain folks; however, you often vacillate between the two hemispheres when you make decisions. You sometimes get confused when decisions need to be made because, neurologically speaking, you could do most tasks through either a left-brain or a right-brain method! Our neurological profile essentially guides the way we teach our classes, meaning that left-brain teachers tend to teach in a "left-brain style," right-brain teachers typically teach in a "right-brain style," and middle-brain teachers tend to vary their teaching between the two approaches.”
It helps to explain who I am and how I tick.
The book was good, but what I learned about myself was what I liked the best.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Reflection on “A Whole New Mind: The Six Conceptual Senses and Education”.
I enjoyed the first part of the book where the author discusses being able to read or judge people’s reactions to different pictures. Knowing how to read body language is an important skill for an educator. I find myself watching to see if a person’s smile is joyful or just a put on smile. I know that some of my students do not understand how to read a person’s body language very well and it may be the cause of conflict with others at times. Maybe we should spend some time teaching how to read body language? It made me wonder what type of body language I use with my student’s. I’m going to be more aware of my body language especially when dealing with student discipline issues.
I think the main idea or concept of this book was that we need to become aware of and use all of our senses. For true success and well being both sides of the brain have importance. The author encourages the reader to start focusing on the attributes of the right side of the brain and even gives examples of how to develop those senses. He wants us to become more insightful humans. This is a trend that I think we have been striving for in education. The idea of the teacher just standing up in front of the class and talking has given away to the teacher as a guide, a facilitator, not just learn these facts. This is where telling stories to your students will help them to get involved in learning the required material. According to the book’s author, telling stories help people to remember the information better if it’s linked to a story. I like to use stories in my teaching to make the concept more real world for my students. It helps the students to make sense of the concept and to give it meaning. Students have a hard time finding meaning in much of the material that teachers are told they have to teach. After reading this book I find that it’s okay to spend some time on right brain skills instead of just the left brain focus of the past. I can have my students spend more time using their creative side in order to make meaning of a topic.
Teacher student relationships have become the key. A teacher needs to have empathy with his or her students. Students have a lot of things to deal with and it helps if the teacher has empathy. The students will be more willing to learn from a teacher that they feel understands them. I think that playing with your students will also help as well as give them a safe, relaxing atmosphere to learn and develop who they are. Playing and teaching science go well together. There are all types of new ideas to wonder about, to discover. I try to use humor whenever possible when teaching; it makes students more willing to take risks when learning new skills. As a teacher I find that a class I can laugh with gets more accomplished and is more willing to try new things. I’m going to try and play more with my students. One of the ideas I’m going to try and do next semester is have my students develop learning games for a difficult topic or chapter. I’m especially interested in seeing how using these right brain skills with my tougher classes will work. I think it will greatly improve the classroom atmosphere.
I did not have a great deal of input into the design of the school or even the classrooms that I teach in. However, I have tried to improve on the classroom design to make it a friendlier more welcoming learning environment. A design area that I can improve on is my teaching materials. I am taking a look at how I design power points, and handouts. I am trying to use my right brain to analyze how I arrange the text, or add a picture to improve on the design of these materials. I have begun asking some of my students how they create the designs they have used on their projects in hopes that I can borrow some of their techniques.
Symphony is taking all the parts and putting it together to create the whole picture. I think it comes down to attitude, the book talks about the difference between a maze and a labyrinth. If the teacher looks at learning as a maze that just has to be gotten through then the students will just hurry up to do the assignment and learning will be short changed. However, if the teacher encourages the students to see learning as a journey (a labyrinth) they will be happier and more willing to look in-depth into a topic. Learning will improve and both the teacher and students will find more meaning in the process if care is taken to use both sides of the brain, especially using the many skills and attitudes from the right side. I hope to use these right brain skills to improve my teaching as well as my personal life.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Life and Work Enhanced by Pink's Six Senses
Before I talk about section two of the book, I have one observation of myself as a person who likes to use her 'whole mind' to get a task done. Even as I reviewed the book from beginning to end after reading it, I sat down to make an outline and reviewed the logical sequence of new ideas presented to us - a very left-brain thing to do. This linear action then allowed me to re-visit everything we've been presented with and then start synthesizing it into a big picture reflection - one with which I can be creative. Using both sides of my brain, I am writing a reflection that makes sense (hopefully) and also creatively adds further thought to the pool of ideas Mr. Pink has given us.
The 'Six Senses' idea speaks to me very much. It's how I live, as it turns out. As I read about each of the senses, I connected with each of them.
A classroom with order, but also beauty (design) in it, is a very easy place for me to teach. A home that is clean and neat, but also aesthetically pleasing is very important to me. Chaos and lack of artistic value (both artwork and music) makes it very hard for me to focus, feel comfortable or be motivated. When I'm stuck on a project either at home or at work, I find that if I create a mood or atmosphere that appeals to my senses, I am able to move forward more easily. Right now, Josh Groban's beautiful singing, a comfortable chair, a quiet house and candles burning makes it easy for me to think and write.
Finding the story in the pieces we sing in my choir classroom brings the experience of the musical pieces more tangible and enhances the performance greatly. Each semester I take one of the pieces we're singing and ask the students to journal or write an essay on the text of the song, investigating on their own, what the song is telling us. Inevitably, this is the piece that is their favorite at the end of the semester. Something about knowing in depth what the story is behind the piece, enhances their experience of the song. In my personal life, I'm always looking for a good story book to read, and am anxious to hear the stories of my family members' experience of the day. I find ways to make story enrich my life every day.
As we begin to work on a new piece in class, we first sight sing through the whole song to get the big picture, taking a glance at how all the aspects fit together (symphony), how they all - tempo, dynamics, major/minor key, rhythms, text, etc. - contribute to the synthesis of a great piece of music. When it's time to take care of each detail, there is then already an understanding of how the smaller considerations contribute to the whole. I find, too, that in life, it helps me to know what makes people tick. Many times I find myself wanting to know a person's background and daily experience so that I can understand the ways they act and interact, especially if their actions don't make sense to those of us around them.
Inside the choir classroom, we build relationships with each other and we learn to care about those we sing about, and many times those for whom we perform (empathy). In addition, as we sing songs from the cultures throughout the world, we foster understanding and respect for the global community. Each culture has its own timbre and feel to its music. Many times, the stories and feelings are the same, but musical pictures and stories are presented in very different ways. Empathy carries us a long way in our personal lives, as well. Understanding, but also knowing from first-hand what it feels like, and just plain being willing to feel emotions alongside someone who needs us makes all the difference in the world to our friends, co-workers and family members.
Within both rehearsal and performance, we try to take the time to enjoy each other, have some fun, and make our audiences smile (play). This is essential to a positive experience in my classroom, I feel, and ultimately enriches the way that we perform together, and the way the audience experiences our ensemble. Taking a laugh-break in both the classroom and at home binds us together in another valuable way, just as a good talk or a good cry would.
Finally, songs with meaning have the most impact upon my students. As much fun as we have with lighter pieces - the jazz and the pop - most memorable for my students are those songs that speak to their souls and move the audiences. Each school year I am pleasantly surprised by the answers I get when asking them which pieces they most enjoyed performing. Almost always it is the richest, most complex, and deepest texts (meaning) that make their choral experience most memorable. Both singers and audiences long for and need this type of experience. In my personal life, I can easily dispense with light conversation and surface talk. It feels like a waste of my time. Conversation and discussion about something meaningful is what I look forward to in meetings and gatherings with family and friends.
I find "A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future" rings true with me and my experience of professional and personal life. This is a book I keep finding myself recommending to colleagues and friends. It's inspiring, informative and refreshing. Daniel Pink's enthusiasm for investigating and making educated observations regarding this subject prompts me to take a good look at how I function in life and in the classroom, and then to be creative with the way I teach and how I relate within my family and all my relationships. This read was time well spent.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
First, I have to say that I enjoyed reading this book. I was pleased that this was the book I selected. I also think it is important for all teachers and other people in the educational profession to think of students and the different learning styles. This book really talked about the right-brained activities, yet I think it is more than just this. It is about letting students reveal their strengths and knowledge in a variety of ways.
Design: I think that we need to seriously consider designing schools that look less institutionalized. I would love to have a room that looked more like my living room with soft color hues that are soothing to students (and teachers). I also think that fluorescent lighting can be a distraction for some students and table lamps and natural light would be the best.
Story: I think that we do remember stories. It makes things real. Stories make a connection for kids. It is sometimes easier to help students see an emotion or action in a character in a book than in a more abstract way.
Symphony: Classical music helps the mind and helps create links. I cannot listen to music with words when I am studying; it is too much of a distraction. I do like to listen to wordless music, and attention must be paid to the tempo for students. I also think it is good to expose students to classical music. If I had music playing in the background during math, I would try to have the same music playing if they were going to take a test. (Perhaps it will remind their brains.)
Empathy: Don’t we all have students who need some of this. The last thing on their minds is school work, yet school may be the safest place for them. We need to remember that children are young and they are not little adults. They will need extra explanations and we have to be careful of assuming that they understand.
Play: Yes, we all need recess! It is interesting to watch students play on the playground. I also think we need to laugh more. I am not so sure about the laughing club, but a child’s laughter is contagious. (In a good way!) Perhaps through play we can show our students how to be even more productive as suggested in the book.
Meaning: Shouldn’t students find meaning in everyday work. We as teachers hate busy work, yet we are all guilty of assigning some of it. (Hopefully not often!) We cannot teach religion in the public schools, but we do need them to understand t hat it isn’t the “stuff” that makes them important. We need to give them the opportunity to discover who they are. It would be interesting to build or paint a labyrinth so children who are having difficulty can walk through the situation. This may help with children with attention issues, but also kids who have difficulty communicating.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Importance of Meaning in Life
We are first re-introduced to Viktor Frankl, an Austrian psychiatrist in the early1940's, who was developing some new thought on what brings about psychological well-being. Throughout his sufferings and trials in the concentration camp at Auschwitz, he pens his wisdom about what exactly gives life meaning. These thoughts eventually are compiled in the famous work "Man's Search for Meaning." He encourages us to consider that life can have meaning whether we are experiencing abundance or want, that we can find meaning even in the midst of incredible suffering. Mr. Pink suggests this: "Freed from the struggle for survival, we have the luxury of devoting more of our lives to the search for meaning. Surely if Frankl and his fellow prisoners could pursue meaning from the work camps of Auschwitz, we can do the same from the comfort of our abundant lives." Perhaps our general health and well being does allow us to take more time for consideration of what means the most to us, and to pursue what's most important.
One of the most interesting comments Mr. Pink provides from this section of the book was this: "Meantime, technology continues its unrelenting march, deluging us with data and choking us with choices." He seems to not be complimentary of our tech-savy age! What does it really mean? The ensuing statements to continue with a list of reasons we are more compelled to pursue finding meaning. Though I feel the statement has merit, it seems a little out of the context of the subject being discussed at this point in the book. Still, it rings true for me, as I ponder my own experience of having so much information at the touch of a key. It brings to mind this drive I have-to take advantage of so many learning opportunities since it's all there at the push of a button.... or two. In a way, it's exhilarating and freeing to be able to research, browse and investigate to my heart's content, all the things I've wondered about and wanted to learn, but at the same time overwhelming, as I sometimes don't know where to start and how to organize it! It feels frantic in some ways. It would be interesting to hear how other readers felt about this particular passage in the midst of the discussion of the pursuit of meaning.
And so we are at this point - there are many people who have plenty in their material lives but are left wanting, because it hasn't fulfilled their desires as hoped. There is a deeper desire, a deeper need that is not taken care of by material things. This book suggests the desire is fulfilled as we pursue spirituality and happiness seriously. Much research has been done that supports the thought that those who engage in spirituality in the form of meditation, prayer, church attendance and the like have a much better sense of well-being, are healthier and live longer. Daniel Pink warns us to keep a whole-minded approach, which is a healthy mix of "L-Directed reason and R-Directed spirit." Even the medical field is jumping on board with this focus, beginning to make note of people's spiritual history as well as medical history when looking into a patient's health issues. Corporate America, as well, is joining the band, per se, in paying attention to these areas in people's lives. Pink suggests that 'we are likely to see a rise in spirit in business" as well as a "continued rise in spirit as business."
The final paragraphs of the book focus on a commentary about happiness and its benefits for people's lives. Dr. Martin E. P. Seligman is quoted several times with regard to how happiness is gained, including what constitutes the "Good Life," the"Pleasant Life." Living a positive, unselfish life, giving generously, forgiving, deciding to be hopeful, being of service, and serving a higher calling brings about happiness. As contentment settles into our lives because of the positive way we live, we are able to see in a more vivid way, what gives our life meaning.
There is much discussion of the difference between a maze and a labyrinth, with regard to how we feel about our lives. I truly enjoyed these comparisons that demonstrated the benefits of living life with a stop into a labyrinth once in awhile as opposed to stepping into a maze for a time. A maze "will lead to dead ends."..."objective is to escape".... "as quickly as possible." "A labyrinth is a spiritual walking course....your goal is to follow the path to the center, stop, turn around, and walk back out - at whatever pace you choose." "You can get lost in a maze; you can lose yourself in a labyrinth." "Mazes engage the left brain; labyrinths free the right brain." I love this stuff!
Labyrinths seem to be popping up everywhere, and it seems to be an indication of people's need to find one's center - the quiet part of themselves that helps them see what's truly important, and to settle peacefully into that knowledge as we attain it - spirituality and happiness. "The purpose of life is the journey itself."
Final thoughts included suggestions such as remembering to say thanks, considering if you would stay at your current job if you didn't really need the money, measuring the level of your spirit, erasing the word "but" from your vocabulary, using a "Sabbath" - a day per week to rest and reflect, if nothing else, - read some good books on happiness and spirituality, visit a labyrinth, inventory how you use your time, make your work mean something by connecting it or dedicating it to something/someone important to you and, finally, picture yourself at ninety. What do you see? How do you feel?
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Play: Super Summary
People need to play and the way to do that is through games, humor, and joyfulness. We need to spend some time getting to know video games. I plan on spending my snow day exploring the games that my daughter loves so much on the Wii, Playhouse Disney, and Webkinz. (I am pretty sure she would beat me if she didn’t have school today.) I will also take the time to watch my son play. Isn’t it amazing how they discover and laugh out-loud.
So, can I interest anyone in a laughing club, a gaming adventure, or just being joyful? After all, tis the season! I will spare you all the agony of me trying to tell or dissect a joke and just get directly to the summary.
Dr. Madan Kataria is a physician in Mumbai, India. He believes that laughter can infect people. His mission is to promote an international laughter epidemic that will improve health, wealth, and perhaps peace. He has created free laughter clubs where people learn to laugh even if there is no joke to laugh at or anything funny to watch. (See more under joyfulness)
The conceptual age: There is a shift from seriousness toward play. According to Dr. Kataria, as told to Daniel H. Pink on page 186, “When you are playful, you are activating the right side of your brain. The logical brain is a limited brain. The right side is unlimited. You can be anything you want.”
Henry Ford thought that work and play were a toxic combination and many other businesses thought the same. Now however there is a shift in this way of thinking. It is now thought that play and joyfulness can help workers become more productive. Daniel H. Pink believes that play is an important aspect of business, work and personal well-being, its importance is shown through games, humor, and joyfulness.
An example of the game, America’s Army, was not created by gamers, but was designed by the American Army and Colonel Casey Wardynski, a West Pont Professor, as a way to promote recruiting for the armed forces. The game was released for free on and was so popular on its release that it caused the Army’s servers to crash. Had the Army sold the game, it would have earned about $600 million the first year. The purpose of the game was to promote teamwork, values, and responsibility as a means of achieving the goal. Players of the game start with basic training as any soldier joining the military. These soldiers work their way into a unit and can receive promotions even to the Green Beret Level. The game also involves fighting with enemies and killing enemies, but it promotes completing a mission with everyone in the unit remaining alive. There are also consequences for ignoring the mission and misconduct. A player can be banned from the game for such offences. This game has been so successful that the Army produced a sequel, America’s Army: Special Forces.
Gaming Facts:
• Half of all Americans over age 6 play computer and video games.
• Over 40% of gamers are women.
• The video game industry is larger than the movie industry.
• Visual perception tests show game players score 30% higher than non-gamers.
• One study showed that physicians who spent a minimum of three hours a week playing video games make fewer mistakes in laparoscopic surgery and performed faster than their colleagues who did not play video games.
• Video game playing enhances the right-brain ability of pattern recognition problem solving.
• Some evidence shows a correlation between game-playing and aggressive behavior.
• Some games are time-wasters.
• Gaming is more of a whole-mind vocation.
Many adults have not yet seen the importance or significance of video games. For this generation, video games are the same as television was to previous generations. In colleges, several surveys indicate that all students have played video games such as Super Mario Brothers, and how not all have seen the same movies or television shows.
According to James Paul Gee, a professor at the University of Wisconsin feels that, “games can be the ultimate learning machine (Pink, 193).” Video games allow for students to connect and manipulate facts, not just memorize them.
Gaming and the Six Conceptual Senses
• Gaming is linked with symphony by following trends, making connections, and showing the big picture.
• Gaming is linked with empathy through role-playing games.
• Gaming is linked with design by looking for more artists or designers, producers, and story tellers. Many art schools offer degrees in game art and design.
• Gaming is linked with story through offering real-life situations and people wanting to talk about their gaming experiences.
Hearing a joke and recognizing the punch line involves both the right and left sides of the brain. The left side of the brain does not like surprise or incongruity and it wants things to make sense. The right hemisphere is critical to understanding and appreciating humor.
According to Daniel H. Pink on page 198, “Humor embodies many of the right hemisphere’s most powerful attributes – the ability to place situations in context, to glimpse the big picture, and to combine differing perspectives into new alignments.” This is why it is so important in the workplace. According to research, the most effective executives used humor two times more than less successful managers. However we must be cautious of negative humor, which can be very destructive. Humor can help find the soul of an organization and work to bring people and departments together.
An important point is that humor cannot be replicated by computers and it is being seen as a very valuable concept.
Laughter Clubs start with exercises like yoga and calisthenics and method acting. The “Namaste laugh”, “just laughter”, and “lion laughter” are some of the exercises. Daniel H. Pink describes the laugher club experience as, “simultaneously weird and invigorating (pg. 201).” Dr. Kataria found that patients got better faster when they laughed so in 1995 he wrote an article, “Laughter: The Best Medicine.”
Kataria decided to combine laugher with yoga breathing. He also states that you do not need humor for laughter. The laughter club concept is “thought-free” laugher. The difference is explained by perhaps the over-simple thought that, “happiness is conditional; joyfulness is unconditional (pg. 202).” One way to demonstrate this is that very young children and infants laugh even thought they do not yet understand humor.
Studies have shown:
• Laughter can decrease stress hormones.
• Laughter can boost the immune system.
• Laughter has aerobic benefits.
• Laughter is a social activity.
• Laughter is a form of nonverbal communication.
• Laughter can create more creative and productive workers.
The Play Portfolio:
• Find a Laughter Club
• Play the Cartoon Captions Game
• Step on the Humor Scale
• Play at Inventing
• Get Your Game On
• Go Back to School
• Dissect a Joke
• Play Right-Brain Games
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
symphony and empathy pages 148 to 184
Part Two of the book explores the six R-Directed aptitudes that will help us to develop the skills and aptitudes needed for a successful shifting from a left to right brain mind set.
The book calls the process of putting different pieces together “Symphony”. It gives several suggestions (exercises) on how to develop and practice Symphony. Not surprisingly, the book suggests actually listening to five classical symphonies as a way to develop Symphony. Two of my favorites were mentioned: Beethoven’s 9th Symphony and Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. Another exercise is to select 10 different publications (newspapers or magazines) that you would not normally have little interest in buying. This activity will give you a new perspective and outlook on different topics than you would usually read. Reading is a great way to expand your horizons and look at things differently. Learning how to draw is another way that you can get a change of perspective and get back in touch with the inner artist that we had as children. I found the idea of keeping a “Metaphor Log” interesting. The book suggests that a person should write down new metaphors encountered during the day for a week. The goal is to enrich your daily life and to become more creative both in our writing and in our thoughts.
Internet surfing can also be an exercise in Symphony by following the various links found under a topic that you are researching. Numerous connections can be made between previous knowledge and the new ideas you are learning as you follow the many detours from your original web site. Just be sure to allow some extra time to enjoy these new paths. Perhaps you will discover new solutions or ways to fix a problem by looking at it with a different viewpoint. If you have discovered a solution to a problem could that solution also be used to solve other problems? The book explores this idea by suggesting changing the default option on organ donations on driver licenses. For example, instead of the current default being organ donations are based on the person choosing to be an organ donor; the default would be if the person chose not to be a donor. The assumption would be that everyone wanted to be a donor unless a person specially said they did not want to donate.
The book encourages us to practice Symphony by creating an “Inspiration Board” of pictures, fabric, or anything that may be something that a person can make a connection with. Several books to read are suggested along with rules on how to successfully brainstorm in a group. The section concludes with asking the reader to look for the negative space in the big picture, to look at the overlooked sections in a picture, or their surroundings. You may be surprised at what you had not noticed before.
Chapter 7 explains the importance of empathy. Empathy is putting you in someone else’s shoes. It allows us to see the other person’s viewpoint. It has become a valuable aptitude as we move beyond the Information Age. Being able to correctly read emotions bases on facial expressions will enable people to be more successful at developing business and personal relationships. The book explains that damage to the brain’s right hemisphere makes it difficult for people to correctly recognize facial emotions. Damage to the left brain actually makes it easier to read facial expressions. In general women have brains that are more wired for empathy than men but both groups can increase their empathy abilities. An easy exercise to do is to eavesdrop on people’s conversations. Put yourself in the place of one of the people. What emotions do you pick up on? What connections can you make? Become a detective by examining (with permission) a person’s purse or wallet. What can you learn about them (without reading their names) based on what they carry with them?
The last few pages of the section give several ways to utilize empathy. A way to become more empathic with fellow co-workers is by trying to figure out what a person does on a daily basis. What are the highs or lows in their job? What frustrations do they deal with on a regular basis, what rewards? Discuss with your co-workers to see how accurate you were. Taking an acting class is another way to put you in someone else’s mind set. It will help to understand how and why people behave as they do. If you don’t want to take an acting class volunteering is a wonderful way that you can learn more about people that you may not normally meet plus you have the added benefit of helping others.
In summary, these two areas of Symphony and Empathy will be useful tools for teachers. Our students will need to learn how to see the big picture. Students do not often understand that writing and math can enhance the study of science. They think that everything has to be a separate topic and that they have no connection to each other. Students need to be encouraged to look at things from many different viewpoints. As teachers the more we use our right brain to understand and empathize with our students the better relationships we will have with them.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Design: Section 2
There is a charter school called, The Charter High School for Architecture & Design in Philadelphia. This charter school gives all students a free education which allows for the demonstration of design. It was founded in 1999 and it was the first school with a design-centered curriculum for all students regardless of race or social economics. This school doesn't have the typical problems such as other schools have. The Charter High School for Architecture & Design teaches "how to work with people and how to be inspired by other people." As the book states the MFA (Master of Fine Arts) is becoming the new MBA.
Designs means business and business means design. All business people should be designers. Paul Smith, Fashion Designer says, "Design correctly harnessed can enhance life, create jobs, and make people happy - not such a bad thing." It used to be consumers were excited about a V-8 engine and now consumers are happy about "harmony and balance." Another example is shopping for cell phones. All the bells and whistles with a cell phone appeal to the right side of the brain. Inventing something we didn't think we needed, but now realize we do.
Designing our future includes the design of specific buildings. Some medical facilities are being designed to make patients feel more comfortable. Educational settings are changing as well. "A study at Georgetown University found that even if the students, teachers, and educational approach remained the same, improving a school's physical environment could increase test scores by as much as 11 percent." The last example Daniel H. Pink gave was with the 2000 U.S. presidential elections with Al Gore and George W. Bush. Daniel H. Pink believes if the ballot would have been designed differently, George W. Bush would have lost the election.
What can you do to make yourself more aware of design? Keep a design notebook with you at all times. Take time to notice great design. Channel your annoyances in your notebook. Read design magazines to broaden your design. Become a design detective by going to realtor open houses or visit a design museum. The four basics of effective graphic design according to Robin Williams (not the famous actor) are contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. The last is put it on the table to observe and be choosy. "Choose things in your life that will endure, that are a pleasure to use. And never let things be more important than your family, friends, and your own spirit."
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
A Whole New Mind Super Summarizer Part 1
The first chapter deals with the misconception of the role of the right and left brain. It wasn't until the 1950's when Roger W. Sperry reshaped our thoughts. After studying patients who had epileptic seizures, he found that the right hemisphere wasn't inferior to the left, just different.
We have found that our brains are contralateral, the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body; the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body.
The left hemisphere is sequential (the thousand words), literal, functional, it specializes in text and analyzes the details. The right hemisphere is simultaneous (it's the picture), it specializes in content (how it is said), metaphorical, aesthetic, and it synthesizes the big picture. The brain is designed to work together, we need both the ying and the yang!
In the Informationa Age computer programmers, organizations, and education emphasized the left brain attitudes. The Right -brain was underemphasized in jobs and in schools. We are now finding that the R-Directed will increasingly determine who soars and who stumbles.
In Chapter Two it tells us that because of Abundance, Asia, and Automation the L-Directed Thinking is swinging to having more of a R-Directed emphasis.
Abundance- It is no longer enough to create reasonabley priced and functional products. Now these products have to be highly designed, unique and meaningful.
Asia- Outsourcing for less money.
Automation- Times have been changing from John Henry and the Industrial Age to Garry Kasparov's chess competitions with the computer, to today's replacement of the left brain by the computer. Last century, machines proved they could replace human backs. This century, new technologies are proving they can replace human left brains. The right-directed thinkers will have to take over things that the databases can't do, such as counseling, mediation, courtroom storytelling, and other right directed services.
Chapter 3 talked about the 3-act drama. The Industrial Age, the Information Age and now the Conceptual Age which is centered around the R-Directed Thinking. We have moved from an economy built on people's backs to an economy built on people's left brains to an economy and society built more and more on people's right brains.
In educaiton, we are constantly chasing the Japanese in test scores, but they have already changed their educational system to foster creativity, artistry, and play. We are still driving our Ford Model T's from the Industrial Age while they are designing for the future. The funny thing is the car companies are on board with the Japanese in their Right Brain directed approach.
They say that an IQ only has a 4 to 10 percent influence on career success. Book smart and every day dumb they say!
With the maturing, (finally) of the Baby Boomer generation (yes I am one) comes the need for the Cultural Creatives. The Cultural Creatives insist on seeing the big picture. We will have to have a high-concept and high-touch aptitude to succeed in the new era.
Design, story, symphony, empathy, play and meaning will increasingly guide our lives and shape our world.
This part was good reading and informative. There was even enough pictures to keep me on track! Have a good day!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Book Cover for "A Whole New Mind"
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Open it up!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Book Cover for a Whole New Mind
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Grey Matter Doesn't Matter!
Welcome to Literature Circle Twenty-one!
Section One--Due October 28, Judith Hansen
Section Two--Due November 4, Michelle Lipp
Section Three--Due November 11, Carmen One Skunk
Section Four--Due November 18, Rachel Rasmussen
Section Five--Due December 2, Jennifer Seals
Section Six--Due December 9, Angela Weber