Sunday, November 7, 2010

Design: Section 2

They start out this section about telling a story about how all children believe they are artists. Through time though, our perceptions of ourselves change. We begin to look at the social norms. The fact is we should make it a point to always believe we are artists. We don't realize we all possess some type of artistic sensibility. What this means is that in our professions, we are all designers of some sort or another. Richard Koshalek, President of The Art Center College of Design says, "I think designers are the alchemists of the future." Times are changing.

There is a charter school called, The Charter High School for Architecture & Design in Philadelphia. This charter school gives all students a free education which allows for the demonstration of design. It was founded in 1999 and it was the first school with a design-centered curriculum for all students regardless of race or social economics. This school doesn't have the typical problems such as other schools have. The Charter High School for Architecture & Design teaches "how to work with people and how to be inspired by other people." As the book states the MFA (Master of Fine Arts) is becoming the new MBA.

Designs means business and business means design. All business people should be designers. Paul Smith, Fashion Designer says, "Design correctly harnessed can enhance life, create jobs, and make people happy - not such a bad thing." It used to be consumers were excited about a V-8 engine and now consumers are happy about "harmony and balance." Another example is shopping for cell phones. All the bells and whistles with a cell phone appeal to the right side of the brain. Inventing something we didn't think we needed, but now realize we do.

Designing our future includes the design of specific buildings. Some medical facilities are being designed to make patients feel more comfortable. Educational settings are changing as well. "A study at Georgetown University found that even if the students, teachers, and educational approach remained the same, improving a school's physical environment could increase test scores by as much as 11 percent." The last example Daniel H. Pink gave was with the 2000 U.S. presidential elections with Al Gore and George W. Bush. Daniel H. Pink believes if the ballot would have been designed differently, George W. Bush would have lost the election.

What can you do to make yourself more aware of design? Keep a design notebook with you at all times. Take time to notice great design. Channel your annoyances in your notebook. Read design magazines to broaden your design. Become a design detective by going to realtor open houses or visit a design museum. The four basics of effective graphic design according to Robin Williams (not the famous actor) are contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. The last is put it on the table to observe and be choosy. "Choose things in your life that will endure, that are a pleasure to use. And never let things be more important than your family, friends, and your own spirit."


  1. Since beginning this book, I have begun to notice design and how it influences everyday life. My mom recently had surgery at a surgery hospital instead of the "regular" hospital and design has a huge impact. Dinner is served (with flowers) to the patient as well as the main caretaker. Doesn’t this have to do with making us feel more special and attune to our right hemisphere of the brain. If healing faster is the goal, I think it is really possible. I know that I would recommend this place if choice is an option.
    I watch my children, both younger than six and they view themselves as artists. I do not. Not musically or artistically. I wonder when I lost that great feeling of viewing things in a nonpractical manner? How can I make sure that my children retain this? What I do know is that I want them to be designers, not just rote workers.
    Now it is just time for me to begin my design notebook…. No hanging chads on my voting ballot last Tuesday, just ovals to fill in with ink! I think SD is safe!

  2. When I read the story of how we all are born artists & then we lose our beliefs. It is so sad that we don't all believe we ARE ARTISTS! We are all artists with different specialties. We all need to take charge today & discover the artist within ourselves & help our student NEVER to lose the artist they have began to create!

  3. I will look at the down side of the technology tools that we need to integrate. We lose the child view in us when we are evaluated such as in technology when we Blog to evaluate the work of others. We then are so focused on pleasing others that we start to lose sight of our own inner child. How do we evaluate without losing the child inside us?

  4. I love the "Be Choosy" Choose things in your life that will endure, that are a pleasure to use. And never let things be more important than your family, friends, and your own spirit.

  5. I found it sad that children start out thinking they are artists and then they lose that ability to see the world through the eyes of an artist. I hope that we will go back and regain that belief in ourselves. I agree that teachers practice design every day as we create lessons to enrich student learning. I am trying to make time to do something creative on a regular basis and not just wait until summer.
