Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Whole New Mind Super Summarizer Part 1

Being a right integrated person, my right brain would super summarize by just saying that the left brain has helped make our society rich, now our right brain has to show us how to enjoy it. We can't live on only one side of the brain without some kind of consequence. That said, my left brain then tells me that isn't detailed enough. So while my left brain works, my right brain and I are off to drink designer drinks, clean my toilet with a designer brush and plant some daisies. Good Luck!

The first chapter deals with the misconception of the role of the right and left brain. It wasn't until the 1950's when Roger W. Sperry reshaped our thoughts. After studying patients who had epileptic seizures, he found that the right hemisphere wasn't inferior to the left, just different.

We have found that our brains are contralateral, the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body; the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body.

The left hemisphere is sequential (the thousand words), literal, functional, it specializes in text and analyzes the details. The right hemisphere is simultaneous (it's the picture), it specializes in content (how it is said), metaphorical, aesthetic, and it synthesizes the big picture. The brain is designed to work together, we need both the ying and the yang!

In the Informationa Age computer programmers, organizations, and education emphasized the left brain attitudes. The Right -brain was underemphasized in jobs and in schools. We are now finding that the R-Directed will increasingly determine who soars and who stumbles.

In Chapter Two it tells us that because of Abundance, Asia, and Automation the L-Directed Thinking is swinging to having more of a R-Directed emphasis.

Abundance- It is no longer enough to create reasonabley priced and functional products. Now these products have to be highly designed, unique and meaningful.

Asia- Outsourcing for less money.

Automation- Times have been changing from John Henry and the Industrial Age to Garry Kasparov's chess competitions with the computer, to today's replacement of the left brain by the computer. Last century, machines proved they could replace human backs. This century, new technologies are proving they can replace human left brains. The right-directed thinkers will have to take over things that the databases can't do, such as counseling, mediation, courtroom storytelling, and other right directed services.

Chapter 3 talked about the 3-act drama. The Industrial Age, the Information Age and now the Conceptual Age which is centered around the R-Directed Thinking. We have moved from an economy built on people's backs to an economy built on people's left brains to an economy and society built more and more on people's right brains.

In educaiton, we are constantly chasing the Japanese in test scores, but they have already changed their educational system to foster creativity, artistry, and play. We are still driving our Ford Model T's from the Industrial Age while they are designing for the future. The funny thing is the car companies are on board with the Japanese in their Right Brain directed approach.

They say that an IQ only has a 4 to 10 percent influence on career success. Book smart and every day dumb they say!

With the maturing, (finally) of the Baby Boomer generation (yes I am one) comes the need for the Cultural Creatives. The Cultural Creatives insist on seeing the big picture. We will have to have a high-concept and high-touch aptitude to succeed in the new era.

Design, story, symphony, empathy, play and meaning will increasingly guide our lives and shape our world.

This part was good reading and informative. There was even enough pictures to keep me on track! Have a good day!


  1. The reading about left and right brain should have been dominated by left brain logic, but Daniel Pink made talk about a toilet brush and shopping at Target interesting; that must be the right side of the brain. :0)
    Judy, I love that you said the left brain made us rich and the right brain will help us enjoy these riches. I will enjoy some designer drinks with you with a candle on the table! (Right after I clean the toilet with my designer toilet brush...)
    I also found the part about IQ and standardized test scores making such little impact on job success. Isn't that what teachers have been saying about standardized tests for years?! We know there are bright children who do not do well on these tests. Perhaps in our teaching careers we will see tests like the Rainbow Project utilized more. I also wonder how many teachers have adapted their instruction to include more of the right brain thinkers. Or are the majority still teaching toward college bound. Have the teaching colleges/universities made adjustments as well?
    We as teachers are also in the art business; we create students that in each of their individuality are works of art.
    I am actually looking forward to reading about the six senses. I wonder if both sides of my brain will remain as equally active.

  2. Abundance- It is no longer enough to create reasonably priced and functional products. Now these products have to be highly designed, unique and meaningful. I like this statement you made. It truly describes today's society. I read a quote in the book that roughly stated today's society may not feel we need an item until it is introduced to us & then some of feel we can't be without it. An example of this is the cell phone. Imagine your life without your cell phone! LOL!

  3. I love this statement "Being a right integrated person, my right brain would super summarize by just saying that the left brain has helped make our society rich, now our right brain has to show us how to enjoy it." I can really relate to this as I grew up with a strong work ethic where money wasn't always the goal but work always came before fun. This book is saying that it's okay to be creative, enjoy life and do things that make life more vital.
